Thursday, May 1, 2008

End-of-Spring Cleaning

It's been forever. I know, I know!

Life is terrific, and I'm in a very positive state of mind. Must be the weather! It's getting sunny in Seattle ;)

Now for some news...I've decided to close this blog and start a new one. I'm aiming for a more general blog. I will certainly be continuing to post about step-mama topics, but I wanted a place that I could use my real name.

If you'd like to join me at my new blog, let me know, and I'll send you the URL :)

And if y'all dont mind - I would like to transfer your names (links) over to my new digs.

Friday, February 15, 2008

What am I? Chopped liver?

Wow. I just finished a super long post and hit refresh by accident and *poof*, it's gone.


Anyhow, I'm curious about how you all handle elementary school arts & crafts that are geared solely towards the biological parents.

I mean, I get it. I can remember making construction paper crafts with white smelly glue and big colourful markers - and I can clearly remember writing words like MOM, and DAD on the same page, even though my parents have been divorced since I was a little girl. But come on education system! Wake up! It can't be uncommon for kids to have divorced parents and I would be very suprised to learn that Jan was the only kid in her class with a step-mom.

I'm still juggling my self control on this issue. On the one hand I want her to be reassured that the divorce had nothing to do with her and that her parents are still her parents and always will be. If she wants to make something that says, "Happy Valentines Day Mom & Dad", so be it. But you'd think (or maybe I'm crazy for being so idealistic) that teachers would give the option to students to make two hearts? One for each home? Which just might encourage kids (on their own) to think about the other people who live in their home(s). Jan's biomom has a boyfriend who lives with them, and Mr.Brady has "seconds" definitely do as much in the ways of raising these children, but we aren't blood related so it's not justified if we feel left out, or god forbid, complain.

I'm serious. I feel like I'm the most selfish woman on the planet when I bring this kind of thing up with women who aren't stepmoms.

I don't know. Like I said, maybe I AM being selfish - but blended families need support, even moreso from the place where our kids are spending 6 hours of their weekdays.

I know I'm generalizing. In fact, I am CERTAIN that I'm generalizing. I recently read one woman's blog where she was pleasantly suprised to find 4 chairs at the parent teacher conference. The instructor had assumed that some children would have a biomom/dad and stepmom/dad.

Now thats progressive thinking!

How do I encourage the same movement at my kids' school without sounding like a friggin' whiner.

Am I being a whiner?

Thursday, January 31, 2008


I'm curious what the average bedtime is for children of the ages 6, 11 & 13.

What time do your kids go to sleep?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Why bother?

Today has been a shitty day. Plain and simple.

I won't bore you with the details of what lead up to this shitty day - but I will tell you about the straw that broke the camels back.

I made dinner for everyone, I clean up the kitchen, Marcia invites me to play a game, I play. Afterwards they get ready for bed, they come back into the living room and say, "Night, Dad". They hug him and leave. I immediately want to cry. This has happened so many nights. Where I am ignored completely - whether they mean to or not, it hurts. I expressed my hurt feelings to Mr.Brady, who said he hadn't noticed and that he would talk to them about it.

Did he ever get around to talking to them about it? Nope.

Did he go into their room afterwards to talk to them about it tonight? Nope.

Did he even wince, noticing that they had, once again, ignored me? Nope.

Sometimes it's just nice to feel included in the ready-made family, you know?

It's been a shitty day.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Meme for moi

I have no excuse for my behavior. I am sorry. I am turning out to be a horrible blogger. And I honestly don't think it's because I don't have anything interesting to say. I do. Really!

I'm just lazy.

Thankfully, Lacey tagged me to do a meme post.

The meme rules:
Link to the person that tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
Tag at least three people at the end of your post and link to their blogs.
Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Let the fun begin!

1. I am shamelessly addicted to trashy magazines. I can't help it. I frequently read US weekly, Star, In-touch, and Hello. I blame it on Britney.

2. I have a very particular way of folding towels. I am the only one in my house who folds towels because...apparently my method is "too hard".

3. I have tricked the Brady kids into thinking my lasagna is the 'real deal'. It's a completely unhealthy and a fast food version of it, but they're hooked.

4. I bought Britney Spears' last album, "Blackout". I know, I know.

5. I love Jolly Rancher Jolly Jellies. I must have a constant supply.

6. I was recently told by a psychic that I'm going to have twins and a boy. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Especially since the Brady family already has 3 kids.

I tag:

Erin @ The Erin Experiment

Quentin @ QBall's Mental Detritus

K @ The Not-So-Evil Stepmom