Friday, July 27, 2007

Hello?? McFly!!!

I have never wanted a time machine more than I do right now. If bad things happen in 3’s, then I am currently on #2 (the first being Mr.Brady’s “unavoidable” encounter with a soccer ball). I left the house yesterday to meet Mr.Brady at his place of employment; we were planning on doing some evening shopping for Marcia’s birthday, which is today.

Happy Birthday, Marcia!

Let me start this by saying, we only have one garage door opener. Mr.Brady keeps it in his car; he drives more often, so we figured it would be best to keep it in the PT cruiser. That being said, things can get a bit tricky if it’s me parked in the garage - with no garage door opener, I have to make like FloJo, and hurdle over the “garage eye”. If I cross the eye’s path, the door will stop dead in it's tracks, and begin to retract. It’s a vicious cycle, but it's the sacrifice one has to make, if one wants to park in the garage.

Where does the time machine come into play? Well…I was in a bit of a rush yesterday, and knowing full well that I’d have to back my car out of the garage, jump out, hit the garage door button and then leap over the eye - I kinda...sorta...fully forgot to close my door.

Yep. I FORGOT to close the door. It was only slightly ajar, so perhaps my feeble mind made the assumption that all was secure. Nope. Nada. Nilch.

I didn’t notice it was open until I heard the….CRUNCH!

I immediately pulled forward, parked, turned off the engine, and proceeded to yell out something rhyming with the following sentence: Oh for duck’s sake, dog darn mother ducker!

I inspect the damage. It’s bad. Real bad. The impact squeezed the door inwards, causing it to crush along the top. I can’t, for the life of me, close my dog darn door.

I wasn’t even going that fast! How did this happen?

I ventured my way through Mr.Brady’s tool box and found a hammer.

Hammer good. Jane beat door with hammer.

Apparently the hammer is over-rated. No use. I couldn’t bend the steel back into place. What!! So I thought I could!! It was worth a shot, no?

Boy, what a stupid mistake! I wanted so badly to go back in time 10 seconds, cause really, that’s all I would need. 10 seconds to close the dog darn door!

I call Mr.Brady and tell him what happened. He says he'll be back soon. I sit. I stare at the broken door. I have no idea what to do. But, I DO know that we have 10 overipe banana's sitting in the freezer. So, I make banana bread.

60 minutes later, my bread is cooling on the counter...check it out!

Mr.Brady comes home and gives me the, " did you manage to do that?" look. I sigh. He comes over and gives me a hug and says, "I'm sorry this happened to your car. We'll find a replacement door somehow."

Even though my poor little car is broken and has been beaten with a hammer...I find his word soothing, and am reminded of what a great man I've landed.

...that being said...if anyone has a time machine they wanna loan me...


Unknown said...

I saw your comment on Step Mother's Milk. Thought I would stop by to say Hi.
Sorry to hear about your car door.

Alice Nelson (Playgroundropout) said...

Thanks for dropping by, Michelle! Do you have a blog, too?