Monday, October 29, 2007


This was originally a long winded post, but it gave me a headache when I re-read it. Since I love you all so much, and don't want to torture you with my venting, I'm going to give you the nutshell version of my weekend.


- The kids are thrilled. Their mother has bought a $600 dog from a Montana breeder, and it arrives at 2pm.
- Two weeks ago she was complaining about not having enough money to buy food. Um....ok....
- We take kids over to visit the dog. The house is a disaster (not suprising). The dog is not house trained and pees on Jan, Mrs.Brady and various objects around the house (which I know is normal, but it doesn't help when there is so much crap on the ground that can't tell where the dog did a do-do).


- Greg's 13th birthday. We take him and his friends bowling. Afterwards, we take them back to Mrs.Brady for cake and presents.
- When we get there, the kids run around the house trying to find their new dog.
- Mrs.Brady announces that she's lost the dog. It wiggled its way out of its collar and ran away.
- Mrs. Brady is devastated. Kids are sad.
- Marcia calls to tell us that Mrs.Brady is going to take them to look at more dogs on Monday. We ask about the one that's lost. She says that if it comes home, they'll just have 2 dogs.

I know it's none of my business. I know it's not my home, nor is it my decision. But it does become my business when her decisions affect the children who live in my home 3 days of the week.

A week ago she could barely afford to feed the kids. Now she can afford to drop $600 on a dog, plus whatever she spends on the second one?

I am beyong confused.

(BTW - thank you for all your comments about the Birthday Blues. I have since decided that from now on I'm just going to take them shopping myself. If he gets two sets of presents, so be it. It's better than seeing him not get anything at all).


Q Ball said...


That's my single-word sarcastic response.

Erin said...

I'm beginning to think your guy's ex-wife and my guy's ex-wife are best buds. Sounds exactly like what our ex did...

Anonymous said...

Sounds just a little bit psycho to me...

Anonymous said...

Your hubby's ex and my hubby's ex might be kindred spirits. What is the DEAL with the financial irresponsibility? I can afford a $600 dog, and lose that dog, and prepare to buy another one... but I can't afford groceries... right. In our case, she drives a car with a $680/month payment, almost as much as her rent, but she can't afford daycare, or haircuts, or doctor's visits... right.

What is that about?


Smirking Cat said...

Does something go "snap, crackle, pop" in ex's heads once the divorce snowball starts to roll, or do these men just have serious bad taste in women before they met us?