Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Breakfast, by Alice Nelson

Knock, knock.

“Yes?” said Mr.Brady.

“I’m hungry!!! I want breakfast now!”

“We are sleeping. Breakfast is at 9. Eat an apple if you are hungry”

Screaming, kicking, yelling ensues.

Alice groans and rolls out of bed, “I am not starting off my day to the sounds of her screams”. She grumpily slips on her robe and opens the door, “Jan, get in here and take a seat.”

Jan sits on the floor and crosses her legs. Tears stop. Alice kneels down, “If you are that hungry, all you need to do is say so. You don’t need to scream and cry. You scream and cry about everything so often that I’m not even sure when you’re serious anymore. Are you really that hungry? Are you screaming so that we all wake up? My point is, you don’t need to scream. If you don’t want an apple, and would prefer eggs, just say so. You are far too pretty to always be crying. Why not show that beautiful smile of yours instead?”

Alice gets up and takes Jan’s hand. Together they walk to the kitchen, where Alice makes Jan a breakfast of toast, eggs, and hashbrowns.

Jan eats one fork-full of eggs and says, “Is this the best you can do”.

Alice takes a deep breath and grabs her plate back, “…Oh! Well if you don’t like them, I’ll gladly eat them. I think they’re delicious.”

“NOOOOO! I want them!” she yells.

As Alice walks back to her room, she lets out a small laugh.

She has decided to take this kid on with a sense of humor.

...or she might go insane.


Janet said...

A sense of humor sounds like the way to go to me.

TripleKTrouble said...

Haha, awesome! I love good old fashioned reverse psychology. MMMM! I'll eat this delicious thing if YOOOU won't! Works like a charm...I mean, until you try it with asparagus...and then you're stuck eating asparagus with a huge fake grin...lol. In other news I posted that picture 7K drew for me :) Check 'er out. Happy Day!

Anonymous said...

It is always amazing how a child will suddenly want something they didn't a second ago when you say you will take it.. Humor, sounds like the best way to take the child. I am currently searching for a place that sells sanity, I will let you know when I find one.

Anonymous said...

You are too funny! Love the reverse psychology. I think you'll do just fine with this Stepmom thing. :) Jan sounds like she needs exactly what you're serving. And I love the fine print, too. I'm still laughing.

Lacey said...

Cute post!

Doughnut said...

I agree...keep the sense of humor. She is testing like mad.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's just me - but no way would I have gotten out of bed for a child behaving like that. All she learned was that screaming will get you out of bed.

Good victory on the eggs, but it would have been a greater victory if said eggs had been served at 9.