Thursday, July 26, 2007

Man Down! Man Down!

“Some people think soccer is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.” - Bill Shankly

Well, Mr.Brady landed himself a visit in the ER last night. Before y’all start to panic, let me assure you that he is a-o-k. It all started at 7:30pm last night, whilst driving down I-5; I received a text message that read the following.

In the ER. Head laceration.

Right. Ok. So there’s nothing I can really do about this except drop a few more dilithium crystals in the warp drive of my firefly, put the petal to the metal and get my ass to the hospital. However, since Washington state seems to have a lack of dilithium mines, and I’m seriously to cheap to pay a $150 speeding ticket, I decided, instead, to text him back.

Me: Are you OK? Is it serious?

Him: 9 stitches. I’ll be fine.

After the longest hour ever - I arrive at my new home and bust through the doors, in such heroic fashion, that even Adam West & Burt Ward would breath a sigh of relief to see me enter. Poor guy’s head is wrapped up in white gauze, which kind of makes him look like Ralph Macchio in the Karate Kid. His forehead is puffy and the laceration runs down between his eyes - it looks painful!

How did this happen? Soccer game. He played in his third match of the season last night, and prior to game one, he hadn’t played (let along kicked) a soccer ball since grade 4. I’m not sure who evoked the Ronaldhinho Gaucho in him, but suddenly he seemed to think that he could gain possession of the ball by heading it away from another player. Sadly (and not surprisingly), he missed the ball completely and instead, headed the other player. Ouch.

Suffice to say, my first night of officially living in the burbs proved to be more interesting than I thought. We’ll see what today brings.

Forecast: Grocery shopping with the stepford wives.

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