Thursday, January 31, 2008


I'm curious what the average bedtime is for children of the ages 6, 11 & 13.

What time do your kids go to sleep?


Erin said...

my husband and I are strong enforcers of the 8:15 for our six-year old; 8:30 for the 11-year-old.

Anonymous said...

During the week, our 9 year-old goes to bed at 8pm, TV off at 8:30. He gets an extra 30 minutes on the weekends. When he was 6, he was in bed, lights out by 7:30.


MiChelly said...

I guess we are the fun parents. All kids are in bed by 9pm on week nights. Weekends it depends on what is going on... That is the rule from oldest to youngest. We tried earlier times... but honestly, there just isn't that much time between homework clubs, supper and chores plus showers. So 9pm. Oldest did get himself in the habit of staying up after lights out to read, which then leaves him with next to no or very little sleep. I am thinking of turning the lights off via breaker box thou... I am tired of him not getting enough sleep then being sluggish and sleepy during classes..

Stephanie said...

8:30 for the 8, 9, and 10-year-olds on weeknights. 9:00 for the 12-year-old on weeknights unless she seems extra tired, then back to 8:30. 9:00 for all of them on the weekends, unless we're out doing something ridiculously fun, but then naps the following day to make up for missed sleep.

Anonymous said...

9:00 when my stepdaughter is with us, because she doesn't have school the next day. Later if we are having fun, with a nap the next day. When she was 6 and here going to school, she went to bed at 730 or 8.

Anonymous said...

My SO's kids are close in age to the Bradys - 7, 11 and 13. We never have the kids for sleepovers during the week. From what I can tell, their mother still has them out at 8:30pm a few nights a week. Hard to tell what their normal bedtimes are at their mother's house.

But on Friday and Saturday nights when they're at our house, my SO lets them stay up really late. Sometimes they don't actually arrive at our house on Friday night until 9pm, so it's hard for everyone to wind down. It is standard for them to go to bed when the adults do on Friday and Saturday nights - between 11:00pm - 12 midnight. Sometimes my SO and the kids fall asleep watching movies downstairs.

Q Ball said...

I'm 31 years old, and my preferred bedtime is 9pm. :(

Lacey said...

8 PM on weeknights for our 7 year old and depends on what we're doing on the weekend to determine his bedtime then.

Anonymous said...

830pm for 6 year old and 8 year old

suchsimplepleasures said...

my bigger kids...9,11 and 12...i have them in bed by 8:30 and they can read until 9:15, when it's lights out! my youngest...4...when he passes out on his face...i've had a hard time with a bedtime when it comes to him. he's a little stubborn...moreso than me! oh well, eventually he'll go to bed like the other kids...i hope!

Day said...

Our family is a late to bed late to rise kind of family. We are all night owls, me most of all. I've read that kids age 6 need about 9-10 hours of sleep a night so Monkey is in bed between 9:30-9:45 but he doesn't get up until 8am. His school starts at 9:15am so it works for us.

I think the two most important things are that you are consistant and that they get enough sleep.

Heidi said...

My 9 year old goes to bed at 830pm. Hubby pushed it up to 9pm, but he became unbearable and we couldn't get him out of bed. Dramatic change with only 30 minutes difference.

707Mia said...

well- we are all nightowl types- my son is now 13 and he usually goes down around 10:30- he is in bed sooner- but watches a half hour of tv beforehand. My 10 year old goes at 8:30- this seems to work ok- we have them get ready for bed around 8 so they are comfortable and relaxing in their rooms reading or watching tv. Weekends we let them stay up pretty late- especially if they are having a sleepover, which they do a lot on the weekends they are with us. So far so good :)

Anonymous said...

My husband and I dont have kids but we have a friend that sends there 10 year old son to bed at 8 every night. No mater if it is a school night or a weekend. That is when he goes to bed...

Cynthia said...

in bed by 8:30 for our 11 year old. He usually reads for 15 minutues and then is asleep by 9.