Thursday, August 23, 2007

Why I Might Be A Terrible Person (Reason #1)

Reason: Little one was supposed to come over yesterday with her brother and sister - sadly - their mom decided it was OK for her to spend the night at her grandmothers. She decided this without discussing with Mr.Brady (on a night that Mr.Brady is supposed to have the kids).

Mr.Brady was pissed. He went off. I tried to be supportive, but I was secretly thinking to myself, "Hallelujah! A night with just the older kids! How lovely!"

And I'm not going to lie...It WAS lovely. We went swimming, played some games, relaxed, and laughed!!! Not one single fake crying, screaming, hitting, yelling, whining moment all night. Thhhhank yoooou, BioMom!


...just saying...


Lacey said...

I know how you feel. Honestly. Sometimes I can't stand it when it is our night to have K. I feel guilty about it but I just feel that way sometimes! He's an only child and definitely has "only child syndrome" and really knows how to push the limits, which can be quite annoying. But there are also times when I miss him when he is with his mom. When he's been with us for a while it's hard when he goes back to her house. I think the adjustment is what makes it hard both's difficult to change things up so frequently. Oh and I don't think you're a terrible person. You're just a new stepmom and sometimes difficult feelings are all part of the territory!

Anonymous said...

There are days I would love to just send the kids somewhere, but after this summer with just the younger two, I realized, just how much I miss them. And now that they have been home roughly two weeks, I am ready to pack them up and send them all to grandma lol. You are not a bad person, you still need your comfort zone.

Anonymous said...

You are not terrible. SOmetimes the kids are turds. You shouldn't expect to always want to be around them. You DO need breaks...especially with the little one you got.

And they need breaks from you, too. Breathing room allows for better together time. That's what I tell myself, anyway.


Erin said...

I'm with Izzy and the rest of the're not an evil person. You're human.

Even bioparents want an evening or two to themselves it's just not politically correct to tell the world "I'd rather my kids not be at the house tonight." Can you imagine the uproar?